Friday, April 25, 2008


OK.... Setting This Blog Up has literally taken me all day :)... But this is sooo much fun to do- Thanks Katie!!!! :) but I wanted to Share some cute Pics of Kaser with everyone...He is getting so big and doing so much better! He is Starting to Smile so much more and make cute cooing noises...And here's the BEST part.. he has for the past couple nights started to sleep at least 7-8 hours!!!! YEAH!!!!!! Oh how we love him!!!


Arlene said...

Oh, he is so cute I need a snuggle really bad!! YEAH for more sleep, I hope it continues for you!! I'm glad your blogging, now I get to see even more pictures and keep up on your comings and goings better!! Do you think you should consider going with a private blog so no weirdo's can view your blog???

Katie B said...

oh what a cute little man! I think I need a snuggie (as gage calls it) too! That is so awesome that he is sleeping sooooo good! Gotta love that!

Dustin said...

Hey Amy,
This is Krista. Your blog is really cute and so is Kaser! I'm glad you finally got it up. Will you send me an invite to my email I can use Dustin's but I am usually signed in under my name and of course I'll be checking your blog more than your bro will. Plus Dustin might leave weird messages (this is your warning) and I wouldn't want them to look like I wrote them ha ha.

Walters Family said...

That Kaser is such a cutie. He reminds me of the Harrah babies. Do you think he has more Harrah in him? He is so cute! Both your boys are darling! How fun!